Safia Abdillahi, ACNP-BC, DNP
Safia is a graduate from Yale University with her Master's in Nursing and DNP from Georgetown University. She has been practicing for 15 years, and also serves as adjunct instructor and mentors NP students. She believes caring for patients must be holistic and patient-centered. Patients are viewed as active participants and share in decision-making when it comes to their healthcare.
All Sessions by Safia Abdillahi, ACNP-BC, DNP
ATMRD 2023 Day 3
June 11, 2023
ATMRD 2023 Day 2
June 10, 2023
Concurrent Session: Mastering the Art of Botulinum Toxins Master Class
ATMRD 2023 Day 1
June 9, 2023
Concurrent Session: Advanced Diagnostic Tools for Memory and Movement Disorders with Hands on Skin Biopsy (2.0 CME)
Approviders Pre-Congress 2023
June 8, 2023